Here at Action Orthotics & Prosthetics in Penticton, we offer pediatric orthotics and prosthetics. We now also offer services in Oliver, Osoyoos and the Princeton area. Children have special needs that must be considered when providing prosthetic and orthotic care. It includes enabling them to play with their peers without fear of the device easily breaking or becoming damaged. Children grow and these growth changes and physical play demands must be taken into consideration when designing their new prosthetic or orthotic device.
Our services are designed for children with medical conditions including :
Amputation, both congenital and/or traumatic
Excessive pronation or supination (flat or high arch feet)
Excessive internal or external rotation of the feet
Leg length discrepancy
Cerebral palsy
Spina bifida
Muscular dystrophy
Down’s syndrome
Idiopathic scolios
Idiopathic toe-walking
Club foot
Congenital Dislocating Hip Disorder (CDHD)
Pediatric Sports Injuries (Sever’s disease, Osgood-Schlatter Disease, etc.)
We offer common pediatric orthotic devices, such as:
Custom-made Foot Orthotics
Supra Malleolar Foot Orthotics (SMOs)
Ankle Foot Orthotics (AFOs)
Knee Ankle Foot Orthotics (KAFOs)
Knee Bracing
Twister cables
Hip abduction bracing
Scoliosis/spinal orthotics
Cervical spinal orthoses
Wrist Hand Orthoses (WHOs)
Elbow orthoses
Shoe raises and modifications
AFO accommodative footwear
Some of the common pediatric prosthetic services we provide are:
Partial Hand and finger prosthetics
Trans Radial (below elbow) prosthetics (body powered or myoelectric)
Trans Humeral prosthetics (body powered or myoelectric)
Partial Foot prosthetics
Trans Tibial (below Knee) prosthetics
Knee Disarticulation prosthetics
Trans Femoral (Above Knee) prosthetics
Pediatric Prosthetic Funding
All children in B.C. are eligible for prosthetic funding through the government run fair pharmacare program. This program will cover most prosthetic devices long into adulthood. Whether your prosthetic is funded 100% is based on family income, and that determines whether you have a yearly deductible to pay. Once you have registered for pharmacare, we will take your child’s prescription and submit our paperwork for prosthetic approval on your behalf. Approvals can take 2-3 weeks.
Pediatric prosthetic services are also often covered by the War Amps of Canada, which will help cover shortfalls in funding, or often help fund recreational related prosthetics for your child.
Our knowledgeable office staff has also been able to approach the Shriners Children’s Charity for some Prosthetic & Orthotic funding assistance when needed.
Pediatric Orthotic Funding
All children in B.C. are eligible for orthotic funding through the government run pharmacare program until they are 18 years of age. This program covers most custom or customized fit orthotics from the ankle and up. It will not cover custom foot orthotics or accommodative footwear. Whether your Orthosis is funded 100% is based on family income and that determines whether you will have a yearly deductible to pay. If your child has been accepted into the “At-Home” program, that generally means they will have 100% coverage on eligible orthotic services, but eligibility into this program is based on severity of your child’s condition. Once you have registered for Pharmacare, we will take your prescription and submit our paperwork for orthotic approval on your behalf. Approvals can take 2-3 weeks.
Pediatric orthotic services are also funded through private extended benefit plans. Which often cover the majority of the costs associated with an orthotic device, or they will pay the patient portion owing on claims submitted through pharmacare. Extended benefit plans may also cover custom-made foot orthotics that pharmacare does not.
Our knowledgeable office staff has also been able to approach the Shriners Children’s Charity for some Prosthetic & Orthotic funding assistance when needed.
For any questions on funding or our treatment procedure, call us today.